Friday, August 27, 2010

nature vs nurture

Nature versus nurture is a psychology term related to whether heredity or the environment most impacts human psychological development in their behavior, habits, intelligence, personality, sexuality, aggressive tendencies, etc. This term was first used by the english victorian plymath Francis Galton. He was Charle's Darwin cousin and he was influenced by his cousins book, "The Origin of Species". The nature vs nurture debates include the importance of an indivividual's innate qualities versus their personal experiences, to determain individual diferences in behavior or physical traits. 

At  has been studied, the molecular level, DNA interacts with signals from other genes and from the environment. At the level of individuals, particular genes influence the development of a trait in the context of a particular environment. Taken form the studies we can see, the genereal consensus are that they both rely on each other, that an individual genes are affected by the enviornment and the enviorment also is below the genes. I personally think that it is also relied on both genetics and enviornment. For example,  if I born intelligent but don't go to school, my intelligence will never develope so they both are the same and their so no way we could find out which one could win that debate

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