Thursday, August 26, 2010

Darwin and the Origin of Species

Charles Darwin, born on 1809 in and English city called Shrewsburry and he died at 1882. He was the first of the evolutionary biologists and the originator of te natural selection concept. Darwin set off on the ship HMS Beagle to investigate species on the islands. After spending some time in the islands and seeing how animals evoluionate and develope because of their enviornment, he came up we the theory of natural selection, contradicting the creation of man and implying that all species came from common ancestors. The theory of natural selection is the theory of what we call evolution. The basic  principles of Darwin's work are that the motives for a specie to live is to reproduce and survive, passing that same way to live and survive from generation to generation to thta same specie. The adaption to their enviornment it's what make the specie survive and be responsable of their food to give to himself and any other realted to it of the same specie. The lack of resources is what makes the species population decrease and what makes competition increase for food and any other thing they need for their survival ,so eventually some of the organisms would die. This theory wasn't that good at Darwin living time because at that time, every person and their culture were very religious so his theory was contradicting God by saying that men might be not created by him, but that they were evolved from any other organism that isn't really known. Darwin wasn not sure if he could develope his theory more deeply because he was having a lot of trouble with his wife who completely disagreed with his work.

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